At Exterior Solutions we are constantly shopping our competitor's web sites and brick & mortar stores in order to make sure our customers are receiving the best value. We are confident that this will not happen, but should you do find a lower advertised price (including shipping and handling) we will beat it.


  • All items must be of the same style and size, and of a similar color and general quality.

  • We work with several manufacturers. So, don't worry if the brand name does not match. We'll still beat their price.

  • All competitive items must be available for shipment. We can not beat prices for backordered items.

  • Any competitive price must be verified either with a URL for an online store, or a written quote for a brick & mortar store

  • Any shipping charges and sales tax (if applicable) will be included in the calculation for the price guarantee.

    • ExteriorSolutions.com reserves the right to beat any price and limit quantities if necessary.